Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I'm back! Not that anyone read my first entry because I didn't send it out! Haha...who knows if I will even post this one! Well, I only have a couple of minutes and then on with my day! Logan is asleep for his morning nap. Last night he slept nine and a half hours! Wow, I feel like a new person...who knew sleep was that necessary to sanity! I'm about to go wake up my wonderful husband (he is a night owl...so I try to let him sleep in a little when we get the chance). So, where should I start? So much to think and write about...for my own benefit of course! Journaling seems to have gone by the wayside for me, every time I sit down to write, I fall asleep or think of a million other things that need to get done. I think I'll make a quick list of things to cover...

Our Marriage
Oklahoma...living in the Bible belt 101
Our labor and delivery
Parenting...I'm not scared...I swear!
Jeremy's friends
My friends

Ok....that seems like a good list! to be continued