Monday, December 27, 2010

More Eharmony advise from a sucessful non-expert

I get asked for eharmony advise I keep the passionate words for my blog. :)

I wouldn't worry so much about any matches that don't work out. Obviously, they are not a good match for you and the Lord is closing the door quickly. Which is a great thing! I think it also might mean you are being honest and being yourself (or email isn't a great way of communication for you, but I doubt that). I can imagine that your intelligence and your job intimidate a lot of men...but that isn't a bad thing! You don't need to hide who you are or what you do because the right man will NOT be intimidated! I'm sure the right man will intimidate you a little! :) I would recommend that as you discover things about yourself and what you want that you update your profile until it is attracting the kind of man that you really are compatible with...not that you lie but it is just a computer that needs human help. For example, I didn't want to marry a man who was the normal Christian know the ones who answer, "Jesus is my best friend. My favorite book is the Bible. My Dad is my greatest hero." NOT that those are bad things, I want to know that Jesus is your best friend because you have friends who look like Him and you act like Him toward them. I want to know that you have a faithful and loyal heart by the fact that you can develop and maintain close and deep relationships. So as you can see, the Jesus is my best friend answer doesn't cut it for me. I made sure my profile reflected who I really was and what I really wanted. I also didn't hesitate to delete matches quickly...if I could never be attracted to someone I just ended it right there. It sounds harsh, but could you marry someone who wasn't attracted to you? I didn't think so. :) Same goes for if they were the super outdoorsy type! Oh man, I could not marry a full time camper! Jeremy says the most important quality to look for it that you both have common interests! Not all of your interests have to be the same, but generally for a marriage to be wonderful you have to enjoy the same type of life! Jeremy and I both love to eat out, drink beer, watch movies, dress up, listen to music, have close friends, read, raise get the picture. How you want to spend your evenings needs to be the same. I don't want to watch sports every day, or have people over at our house every evening. I also couldn't have married someone who never wanted to leave the house...I need date nights with a man who enjoys them!